I decided part of my marketing project should be on this blog, just in case some of you decide to read what I've written. Maybe you feel the same way.
The title phrase is what all of us who have been a care partner have voiced, either in our prayers or in our search for help. This blog will introduce Cord Of Three Strands Care Center, LLC and be a forum for sharing great ideas in the world of Culture Change. Thank you for visiting!
We affirm quality of life, in all stages of life. We will carry each other’s burden ~ together.
We affirm quality of life, in all stages of life. We will carry each other’s burden ~ together. We believe quality of life includes these important goals for all our community members.
~ Maintaining a Healthy Spirit
~ Maintaining a Healthy Mind
~ Maintaining a Healthy Body
We will meet the challenges we face, knowing we can. Proper people, proper tools, and proper planning will make our community successful. To maintain a healthy spirit, we will recognize the value each community member brings to our community, sharing with each other the necessary tools for living and the necessary companionship to bless our hearts and souls. To maintain a healthy mind, we will ask each community member to actively engage in volunteerism, giving where we can to whom we can. We will engage each other in games and hobbies, enjoying each day to the fullest possible. To maintain a healthy body, we will ask each community member to make full use of the tools provided, sharing with one another the necessary community facilities for walking, stretching and strength. We will encourage and exhort each other in all these things.
Saturday, December 17, 2011
Not one Brick until...
I decided part of my marketing project should be on this blog, just in case some of you decide to read what I've written. Maybe you feel the same way.
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Seeds to plant, seeds to grow ~ the blessing of the seed.
Everything we are blessed with on this earth requires constant attention to help it grow and stay strong, whether it is friendships, our bodies and minds, even the dollar we earn. We think that the seed we planted was the work we did to earn that dollar, but that's not entirely true. We have "seed money" which is then turned into an investment to give us even more return. We buy a property for a good price and a good monthly investment, and we find it appreciating in value enough to get a modest return when we sell the property. We buy food to give us and our neighbors sustenance by which we are able to create more opportunities for ourselves and our community.
We have the thoughts of better things germinating in our brains, watching and waiting for them to sprout into a complete idea. We are well. We have seeds.
There is not anything under the sun that has not been given to us in full glory. There is always something that works better with a little help, a little care, and a little watching over. If we think of the beginning of anything in its raw material state, it took an engineer to conceive it, a craftsman to build it, a care taker to maintain it, and because of all that, we have a community to build upon.
We have seeds to plant, and seeds to watch germinate, and the joy of the harvest. We have the joy of spring, when the seeds have been dormant for the winter. We have the kiss of warm breezes, when the smell of the flowers waft on the air.
What a blessing we have in seeds! God is good! Stay grounded in the truth, and May this wonderful season yield seeds that grow for you!
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Learning to take Small Steps to Big Change
Consider what may be the future for us as we age. Right now, an astounding 40 percent of people over 100 years of age reside in long term care facilities. (Omaha World Herald, A Grim Picture for the Elderly) We desperately need to change the way we view our own future and begin to build the kind of community that allows us to stay right in our own spheres of influence.
I foresee a community house on the corner (right in each one's own neighborhood), where each community member can share a gourmet kitchen and other resources, where their best skills and hobbies are enhanced and where people can recover when the doctors and hospitals say they can't go home yet (home is just down the street). Such a community could also provide for health care professionals to live among them.
Imagine the people this idea could help ~
- Parents who must also care for their aging parents.
- Grandparents who must watch grandchildren so their children can work.
- Aging Parents of a disabled child or Disabled care partners for aging parents.
- People who wonder how they will continue a meaningful life if they become unable to stay at home.
- People at risk for long term care, keeping them healthy with regular assistance as needed.
- Health Professionals who need extra support to continue their mission.
P.S. I can't upload these images without permission, but you can look at these and get some idea of what co-housing is all about! Google image search for Co-Housing
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Green House Promise of Greater Things To Come!
One thing that was said today in the Green House workshop in Birmingham energized both Jim and I. We don't have enough life left to worry about anything but doing the same thing Green House adopters in 28 states have done. We can't worry about the consequences of pushing the envelope on outmoded regulations that do nothing but create busy work for our hard working state HHS regulators. Our world needs to change. Our elders deserve nothing less.
That statement? "We're still evolving." Thank you, Robert Jenkins. Thank you, St. Martins in the Pines for hosting this informative session! The weather was fabulous! Thank you, Dr. Thomas, for getting this ball rolling!
I came away with a renewed sense of doing the right thing, of being in the right place at the right time. Of one goal. ONLY the best for our generation and the generations to come.
Jim and I discussed this before we stopped for the night in Nashville, to wait out a blizzard on the way home. We won't stop. We are going to push Culture Change from the rooftops. We are going to do whatever we can.
We will endeavor for the highest form of relief. Jim said to me at dinner, "They told us it wasn't much fun to be the first. The pioneers had arrows in their backs." He paused. "What were those three things that Dr. Thomas wrote in the book [In the Arms of Elders]?"
"Loneliness, Boredom, and Helplessness," I replied. "Yes!" he said. "I'm not going to stop! I'll make them hear the news. I'm good at that."
I am so blessed.
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Some great quotes about aging in my email...
I don't feel old. I don't feel anything until noon. Then it's time for my nap.
- Bob Hope
We could certainly slow the aging process down if it had to work its way through Congress.
- Will Rogers
Maybe it's true that life begins at fifty, but everything else starts to wear out, fall out or spread out.
- Phyllis Diller
By the time a man is wise enough to watch his step, he's too old to go anywhere.
- Billy Crystal
If we can't laugh and enjoy living, maybe it's time we found another life!
Hugs, Karen
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Doing nothing...
And Al Power promoted a blog about mindfulness, I'll put it on a blogroll on here.
It's healthy to relax - but it's also healthy to take a minute to get up and move about! I a "Gadget" on my desktop that lets me know I have been at my computer for an hour! It's time to go do something, anything!
Live healthy! Stay in touch! I have a paper I wrote that'll be great for this blog!
Sunday, January 23, 2011
There's vision, and then there's MISSION
Most of you who know me, know that I am planning to build a community that includes as many of the tools and people and design as is necessary to make sure that people do not have to age away from the people they love, and need around them.
I plan to escape the winter snow of Nebraska in a couple of weeks, for sunny (? I can hope, this year) Alabama, and a Green House workshop. I am keeping at this project because I must. My heart is so full of the need, I don't want to see any more of the types of nursing homes that don't really want to consider themselves "home." They can call themselves "home" all they want... it doesn't make it without a true effort to restore the things their residents lose when they move in!
So, here it is...
Inspiration often comes from personal experience. I have two fond memories, both of whom passed away in 2009. My mother...
and my husband's aunt.
The memories of their smiles, their wisdom and their love for living will guide me well as I go forward!!
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Gerontology, Here I come!
I think that much of what has come so far is a beautiful reach. While everyone finds themselves at the end at some point, and ready to place their hand in the hand of God, our hands should be able to reach beyond the veil of illness or disability. We should provide a daily, comforting presence to family and friends, just as if we had always lived in a small town as pioneers.
I've been blessed. Another quarter of 4.0 grades is within reach! I think I've spent a good 31 years away from a field I was destined to be in, and I have been brought back, full circle. This "affinity" for the field has made me decide to continue on as a gerontologist - studying for the best of aging well, and acting on what I've learned.
Aging well, to me, doesn't mean "staying young", but being young at heart! Attitude, seeking quality within our lives each day, and offering a piece of yourself to the world at large. We cannot fail to make life better for one, because when we do, we make life better for all.
Blessings! Hugs! Karen