
We affirm quality of life, in all stages of life. We will carry each other’s burden ~ together.


We affirm quality of life, in all stages of life. We will carry each other’s burden ~ together. We believe quality of life includes these important goals for all our community members.

~ Maintaining a Healthy Spirit

~ Maintaining a Healthy Mind

~ Maintaining a Healthy Body

We will meet the challenges we face, knowing we can. Proper people, proper tools, and proper planning will make our community successful. To maintain a healthy spirit, we will recognize the value each community member brings to our community, sharing with each other the necessary tools for living and the necessary companionship to bless our hearts and souls. To maintain a healthy mind, we will ask each community member to actively engage in volunteerism, giving where we can to whom we can. We will engage each other in games and hobbies, enjoying each day to the fullest possible. To maintain a healthy body, we will ask each community member to make full use of the tools provided, sharing with one another the necessary community facilities for walking, stretching and strength. We will encourage and exhort each other in all these things.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Gerontology, Here I come!

I'm in my second quarter of study for Long Term Care Administration, to make sure I am familiar with the ins and outs of the field, since we want to build a community that combines the best of both worlds.

I think that much of what has come so far is a beautiful reach. While everyone finds themselves at the end at some point, and ready to place their hand in the hand of God, our hands should be able to reach beyond the veil of illness or disability. We should provide a daily, comforting presence to family and friends, just as if we had always lived in a small town as pioneers.

I've been blessed. Another quarter of 4.0 grades is within reach! I think I've spent a good 31 years away from a field I was destined to be in, and I have been brought back, full circle. This "affinity" for the field has made me decide to continue on as a gerontologist - studying for the best of aging well, and acting on what I've learned.

Aging well, to me, doesn't mean "staying young", but being young at heart! Attitude, seeking quality within our lives each day, and offering a piece of yourself to the world at large. We cannot fail to make life better for one, because when we do, we make life better for all.

Blessings! Hugs! Karen

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